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Sleeping Disorders

What Causes Insomnia and Who Suffers From It?
It is commonplace for several people to suffer at least an occasional night of almost non-existent sleep. The causes of insomnia differ from person to person. What made a student insomniac varies from what caused a shift worker or a traveler or an employee to acquire such sleeping disorder.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder, Are You Affected?
Shift workers really do get a raw deal when it comes to getting enough sleep. They have to try and sleep when the rest of the world is waking up and their body clocks have a hard time adjusting.

What do you need to know about sleeping disorders
Finally another strenuous day prowls to its end…hefty eyes die to shut down and do not reopen till they bask in the fairytale world, for when we live the rituals of the day, why not terminate with the custom of the night…a wonderful sleep! But seldom it happens that you get absorbed in the sleep that seems as enigmatic as the hoary mummies in Egypt, for today seven out of ten people suffer from sleeping disorders consciously or unconsciously. The sleep chaos can be minor, slight objectionable like restless leg syndrome to major nagged ones such as snoring, kicking and insomnia etc.

Are You Tired of Insomnia?
Endless hours of looking repeatedly at your clock while moving around in your bed. It's mental and emotional agony that we can do without. Having to stick it out the next day after another sleepless night is not only difficult, it can be dangerous. People just do not function well with little or no sleep. Mistakes can and do happen when people are tired and, sadly enough, they are not the ONLY ones that get hurt.

Sleep Disorder - To Call The Doctor Or Not?
Experiencing difficulty in sleeping for any great length of time may well indicate that you suffer from a common sleep disorder.

Sleep Apnea - An Extremely Common and Dangerous Sleep Disorder
Sleep apnea refers to a sleep disorder characterized by the interruption of breathing during sleep, such that respiration stops for ten or more seconds, cutting off valuable oxygen supplies to the brain. This interruption of the body's breathing cycle can recur hundreds of times each night, with potentially fatal results. Even more alarming, sleep apnea, the most dangerous of all sleep disorders, also represents one of the most commonly identified sleep disorders, affecting as many as eighteen million Americans each year.

Narcolepsy - The Management of a Common Sleep Disorder
Narcolepsy, a chronic and commonly diagnosed sleep disorder, affects over a quarter of a million Americans each year (approximately one person in every two thousand). Characterized by the body's inability to properly regulate sleep, narcolepsy's most obvious symptoms can include cataplexy (involuntary loss of muscle control), "automatic" behaviors (performing regular, mundane tasks by rote), hallucinations and paralysis during sleep.

Insomnia - Getting The Help You Need
Experiencing an occasional sleepless night every now and again is normal and transient insomnia affects all of us from time to time, especially when we are under personal or professional stress, or our schedule changes significantly as a result of jet lag or shift work. But prolonged insomnia, lasting for perhaps six months or more, is another story.

Sleep Apnea - Symptoms and Types
Sleep apnea is a disorder experienced by many people in our community. Some estimates put the figure as high as 10%. The symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, waking up often during the night, being excessively tired, being irritable, and experiencing depression during the day. The word apnea means without rest.

Are You Too Snoring Like A Running Train?
Snoring is widely considered a sleep disorder; both for the trouble that it (potentially) causes the snorer, and the trouble that (almost always!) causes those around the snorer. Therefore, an effective target in the battle against snoring is sleep itself.

Sleep Deprivation - What Are The Consequences?
Sleep is probably best described as the loss of awareness of what is happening around us. The brain itself never sleeps and still continues to function, although the brainwave rhythms are altered and gradually slow as we approach the deeper stages of sleep.

Are you sleep deprived?
We live in a high tech world that simply operates 24/7, so a lot of us are sleep deprived. Many cities such as my own city of Portland, Oregon, now have supermarkets, drugstores, video stores and restraunts that are open 24 hours a day. The people who operate these stores plus the police, nurses, firemen, factory workers often work a rotating shift.

Is Your Insomnia Just a Bad Habit?
Many of us that suffer with insomnia can actually pinpoint the time it started. It could be the death of a loved one, exams or a stressful relationship. But ever since then we've not been able to sleep well.

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