What do you need to know about
sleeping disorders
Finally another strenuous day
prowls to its end…hefty eyes die to shut down and do not reopen
till they bask in the fairytale world, for when we live the
rituals of the day, why not terminate with the custom of the
night…a wonderful sleep! But seldom it happens that you get
absorbed in the sleep that seems as enigmatic as the hoary
mummies in Egypt, for today seven out of ten people suffer from
sleeping disorders consciously or unconsciously. The sleep chaos
can be minor, slight objectionable like restless leg syndrome to
major nagged ones such as snoring, kicking and insomnia etc.
An individual's mental as well as physical condition is
accountable for the sleeping chaos. Acute stress and agitating
perennial thoughts or brooding mind are primary psychotic
reasons; illness, aching or wounded body produce physical
disturbance in sleep. Generally, people confronting regular limb
(hip, knee, toe and the like) movement problems are the ones who
suffer from disorders like restless leg syndrome.
The article takes a look at some regularly visible slumber
difficulties, their causes, effects and cures.
Insomnia is a paradigm sleeping disorder. It is the name given
to lack of sleep at night, often followed by walking in a
semi-conscious state and feeling tired. Though the insomniac
feels soporific yet sleep does not blanket him.
Insomnia is related to fretfulness, depression and learning
disorders as its causes. One major factor behind broken sleep is
the deficiency of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep or the period
of sleep when the brain is working-dream sleep. Disturbed cycles
of REM signify unstable naturally working metabolism of the
body, which in turn indicates a distorted sleep along with
uneasiness throughout the day. It is not the case that only the
person who is suffering from a slumber upset is only troubled by
it but the one sharing his bed is even bereaved of a sound
sleep. Sleep Apnea is one amongst such sleeping disorders that
fetches enormous problems for the patient's partner. This is
because the patient starts feeling irritated and tired while
sleeping, does loud snoring and ceases to breathe for quite a
few seconds after which he resumes his breath. The amount of
this uneasiness is quite disturbing for the one who is sleeping
next to the patient.
Throat collapsing while sleeping, blocked airways and
unavailability of the breathing command by the brain are some of
the universally accepted causes behind sleep apnea. Besides
these extra weight or obesity is an impediment in breathing,
stoutness thus is another factor that contributes to the
development of sleep apnea.
Another threatening disorder that is known for the person's
performing activities viz. brushing his teeth, sleep paralysis,
horrifying dreams and wakefulness amidst sleepiness is
Narcolepsy. In case left untreated, Narcolepsy can worsen with
time and lead to serious repercussions.
Slumber disorders can be treated with medicines and several
other psychotic therapies. The foremost category of medicines to
treat slumber disorders are dopaminergic drugs. Dopamine is a
chemical made in the brain, it aids in the transfer of messages
from brain cells to other brain cells and in locomotion of the
body. Benzodiaepines and Opioids are subsequent types of drugs.
Some of the largely prescribed medicines are Ambein, Sonata and
Lunesta. Apart from the medicines a change in lifestyle is also
extremely beneficial and wonderful idea. Conjoined with many
other things, the change should specially include inculcating
healthy eating habits and avoiding stress. |
