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Your Sneakers Want To Spend Some Quailty Time With You

Are you sneakers lost or hidden somewhere in the garage? Have they been sitting in your closet since last Halloween, collecting dust? Do you put them on once in while but never seem to actually get out the door?

Winters always makes it tough to find the motivation to work out. Its hard to go outside for a walk when its icy and bitterly cold. When the snows fly and its below freezing, it takes a dedicated person to make it to the gym a few times a week.

But cmon, now -- you cant fault your sneakers for this lack of motivation.

Theyre always ready to go. The real guilty party -- other than the weather -- is your busy, stressed-out lifestyle. It keeps cutting into the time you need to take care of your health and fitness.

But lately, those sneakers are starting to call your name loudly enough for you to hear. Now that Spring is here, isnt it time to consider spending more time with such a nice, comfortable pair of friends?
Walking is great exercise, and its an instant way to boost your energy level. And with walking there are no membership fees, leagues to join or special clothes to buy. All you need are your sneakers -- and theyre sitting there, just waiting for you. So give the old pals a thrill and spend some time with them. Youve got to admit -- its about time busyness and stress quit earning so much of your attention.

If you have trouble setting time aside for activity, consider making a walking date or two with a friend. Its likely that you have a pal with a pair of neglected sneakers of his or her own, and having a walking buddy can really help you make the time to get out and get active. And everyone knows that keeping fit is a valid and important thing to do, so there it is -- your nice excuse to get outside and make some time for yourself. Youll be surprised at how quickly what started out as a workout will become an excuse to play when youre chatting with a friend and watching the sights and sounds of your neighborhood go by.

And who knows, when you dig them those sneakers out of that dark, dark corner of the closet, you may get a surprise or two.

Hey! Arent those your missing sandals -- right next to your tennis racket -- under last years swimsuit??


About the Author (text)Tracy Benham MS Exercise Physiologist and Health And Fitness Expert Helps Your Kick Your Butt Into Gear By Teaching You Powerful Strategies to Get Fit, Healthy and More Active. Get your Cheat Sheet to a Healthier you and Find out More Info At

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