Tips for Better Sleeping Every Night
This article is a summary of
some of the sleep aid remedies that are described in greater
detail and with recipes and instructions at
www.sleep-aid-tips.com Balance and perspective: At certain
times, insomnia may result from stress. Some stress is an
inevitable part of life, but when you need to achieve a state of
inner calm, a range of meditation and visualization techniques
can help you work through your insecurities, worries and
anxieties. With practice, stress can be diminished so that it is
no longer a cause of sleepless nights. If you struggle to go to
sleep every night of your life, you probably have more than a
simple sleep disorder issue to deal with. It is important to
have your life in balance, your health and wellness optimised,
and to make sure you have a clear head and calm mind ready for
sleep before you go to bed. Some of our self help sleep aid blog
entries are designed to just get you to chuckle a little in your
day. Laughter is the great healer, and sometimes humour is the
best way to get someone to actually consider the message that is
making you laugh! So if your life is a bit out of whack, and you
tend to stress more than you like in your life, have a look at
our sleep aid self help blog, for resources and self help tips
to get your life and overall wellbeing back in balance. If you
are worried or stressed - you simply will not sleep restfully!
Our sleep aid tips self help Blog page has an abundance of
helpful articles to assist you in getting balance in your life
and developing your overall life skills.
Instant fixes: If all else fails and you are still awake in the
dead of night, try some or all, of these quick insomnia cures: •
Lie on your back with your knees propped up on a small pillow •
Sleep with your head pointing in the direction North • Get up
the same time every morning and go to bed at the same time every
night for a week • Visualize yourself in a peaceful place, such
as a field full of wildflowers with a gentle breeze blowing, or
near a gently flowing stream where you can see fish swimming
past you. • Visualize a boring scenario, such as a lecture you
have no interest in • Read out loud the names and numbers from
the phone book • Reserve your bedroom and the bed as a place for
sleep only • Wiggle your toes gently until you fall asleep • Rub
your stomach lightly • Cut up a mild onion, place in a jar by
the bed and sniff before retiring. • Think of ten wonderful
things that have happened to you today • Squeeze all your
muscles together tightly for a few minutes and then relax. •
Threaten yourself that "If I am not asleep within the next 10
minutes, I will get up and…" clean the oven, or clean the
fridge….whatever you really hate doing… When your brain knows
you really mean it - this will scare you to sleep to avoid a
nasty chore!
We also have two free ebooks for you to download today. One for
an overview of your sleep Cycles in your average lifetime...
from newborn to mature age... and the other is a book on
interpreting your dreams (for your entertainment) The site also
has an extensive section on Sleep Disorders and some recommended
sleep remedies for them.
Helene Malmsio has created http://sleep-aid-tips.com to assist
you in getting a good nights sleep with natural sleep aid tips.
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