How to Prevent Snoring
You probably know at least one
person who snores. It could be your partner, parents,
grandparents, or even Uncle Ed or Aunt Emma that makes that
sawing wood sound. Some laugh and make jokes about it, but it
can be a symptom of a serious disorder.
As you age, your tissues become looser and the decibel level
leaps. By age 60, 60 percent of men become expert woodcutters
every night. Once you are in the major leagues of snoring, you
could be in deep trouble and the sooner you attempt to prevent
snoring, the better it is for you.
It's usually women who look tired since men tend to snore more.
It can create stress within a family and it can also be an
indicator of serious medical problems. Studies show that severe
snoring can lead to sleep disorders, high blood pressure,
strokes, heart attacks and diabetes.
Common culprits include alcohol, sleep medication and cold
remedies. Even an overly soft or large pillow could be the
cause. Obesity, sleeping on your back and lack of muscle tone
are also cited. There are some less common reasons such as
abnormalities in the nose. In children, it's often enlarged
adenoids or tonsils that are responsible for the snoring.
Cures range from everyday home cures to lifestyle changes and
over-the-counter medications. In severe cases, various types of
surgery may be the options for stopping one from snoring.
If you are someone who snores excessively and constantly gets
complaints from friends and loved ones, look at your lifestyle
very carefully first. Try changing some bad habits to good ones,
and exercise more.
If after all this, you still snore excessively, then it is
better to see a physician or an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Always make surgery your last resort. Even though surgery is
proven to be safe, surgery can be expensive, when all you needed
to do was quit smoking or join a gym. |
