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How to Get Rid off Those Facial Parentheses Nasolabial Folds

One of the most common facial areas that bothers many patients is the development of the nasolabial folds, also referred to as the lip-cheek groove, or in a recent television commercial known as the parentheses. You can argue whether it is a fold or a groove but it is probably closer to a fold. It develops as the cheek tissue from above ages and begins to sag.

falling over its border with the upper lip. The upper lip is 'fixed' so the overhanging cheek tissue creates the appearance of a deepening fold. With time, aging, and the anatomy of one's face, this nasolabial fold extends south past the corner of the mouth and sometimes nearing the lower border of the jaw in extreme cases of skin laxity.

This area is commonly treated by injectable fillers and in my practice as many patients wants their nasolabial folds treated as they want their lips enlarged. The most common method for nasolabial fold reduction is with injectable fillers. Like all filling procedures by injection, the results from nasolabial fold reduction is quick, easy to do, and the results are immediate. I usually perform them under a local anesthetic block so the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

While all of the injectable fillers will work, I think some are better for this area than others. And the ones that I think are best are those that last the longest and have the greatest 'push'. While all of the hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane or Juvaderm will work, they do not last as long as any of the particulated injectable fillers. Currently Radiesse (ceramic beads) and Artefill (plastic beads) are the only two particulated fillers currently available. The evidence is clear, not surprisingly because of their solid bead component, that they consistently last longer than any of the hyaluronic acid fillers. While beaded injections can cause lumpiness and irregularities, this is not a significant cosmetic issue (nor can it usually be seen) in the forgiving area of the nasolabial fold.

Conversely, in the lips this is a different matter. Also, because the bead composition makes the injectable material more thick and viscous, I think it provides more push as it goes in resulting in a better cosmetic effect and having to use less injectable filler. Because of particulated fillers longevity and thicker volume, it is my preferred injectable approach to the nasolabial folds. This injectable treatment will give a 9 to 12 month result.

There are other treatment options for the nasolabial fold as well. The best way to eliminate them is the one way which is almost never done.cut them out. That gets rid of the fold immediately but also leaves a fine line scar which may only be acceptable in an older patient. The other more commonly done alternative is to use an implant.

I specifically use an Advanta implant for those patients that want a permanent volume solution. A very small incision is made in the nose crease and at the end of the lower fold line. The implant is slide into place from one end to the other.

This is a procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia. An implant approach to the nasolabial fold is a good solution for someone who no longer wants to do injections, doesn't mind the concept of an implant in their face, or has very deep nasolabial folds which would take a lot of injectable filler volume. My experience with an implant in this area has been quite good but it is not a first line approach for most patients.

Dr Barry Eppley, board-certified plastic surgeon of Indianapolis, operates a private practice at Clarian North and West Medical Centers in suburban Indianapolis. He writes a daily blogs on topics and trends in plastic surgery at

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